Let's work on your career together

Are you a young adult feeling curious about careers? Or perhaps lost or uncertain?

Are you interested in bringing thoughtful, purpose-driven career education and exploration to your organization?

Let's talk careers together.

Working with organizations

Is your organization or group interested in offering career education and exploration to young adults? Work with us to create thoughtful, purpose-driven programming that can augment and elevate your existing educational programs. 

Why work with Career Camp? 

At Career Camp, we help young adults live more purposeful lives through career education and exploration. We start by offering a free meeting to discuss your student demographic and aims and how we can best help your students achieve their aims. Our group services are most suitable for the high school to college-age demographic of students who are new to career education and exploration. First, we present young adults with the big picture philosophy behind careers, and why we should prepare for a happy, fulfilling life through being thoughtful and purposeful about our careers. Next, we dig deep into all the fundamental tools of career exploration with practical advice, actionable steps, and useful templates so that young adults feel empowered to take charge of their own career exploration process. 

What does working with Career Camp look like?

Career Camp offers one-time, one-day, and multi-day workshops for young adults in partnerships with educational organizations of all sizes. From a simple hour-long Interview Workshop to a multi-week cohort experience, Career Camp offers customized workshop content tailored to fit your young adult audience demographic and their needs and wants. 

Here are just a few examples of how Career Camp can partner with your organization:

Career Camp workshops and services are offered all over the world virtually as well as in-person in Taiwan and the US (during the summer). 

Want to get started? Let's talk careers. 

Working with young adults

Are you a high school student or graduate? A college student or graduate? How do you respond when people ask you the question "What do you want to do in the future?" Do you sometimes have little to no idea what to say? Maybe you have too many ideas and thoughts, and you don't know where to start? Perhaps you just have a rising sense of panic because you don't know how to respond to this, but you just know everyone else already has it all figured out.

As a high school and college student, I knew there were things I liked and were interested in, but I had next to no idea how any of the subjects I liked at school or the things I liked to read about and listen to would ever translate into a real 9-to-5 job or career that actually paid me money. 

I was also convinced that I had absolutely nothing to offer anyone, because I had never had a full-time job before. I was just one of hundreds of college students who had a few part-time jobs and internships and really knew nothing about the real world.

The spring before I graduated college, my plans for graduate school fell apart. I spent more than a few of sleepless nights applying for jobs until 6 AM. When I thought about my future, my thoughts were tinged with anxiety, frustration, and despair. 

If you have ever felt the same way that I did, you are not alone, and there are simple steps you can take that will help.

Almost everyone goes through this experience of uncertainty and change. So what do you do? I recommend learning and practicing the basic tools of career exploration - doing informational interviews, practicing your self-introduction, and learning how to network - so you can begin to chart your possible career paths. 

Career exploration is difficult because no one can tell you what to do for your future or even show you a path that will work. Careers and industries shift over time and geographies, not to mention individuals; how it works for one person may not work for others. 

It is also difficult because everything else has been laid out for you thus far. You've climbed the ladders of education from kindergarten to Grade 12, from freshman to senior year of college, and you're now on what I call "the plateau of work". It's flat, and it's just work for as far as the eye can see. Now, it is up to you to do the hard part: figure out what you really want to do.

I did eventually figure things out, and now I want to share that with you. Thus far in my career, I have had five full-time jobs. I have worked at small start-up organizations and large institutions with thousands of colleagues. I have worked at non-profits, for-profits, and universities. I have had jobs that I loved, jobs that I couldn't wait to leave, and jobs from which I learned an immense amount. On the other side of this divide, I want to tell my younger self: "It will be okay, and here is how." 

Come talk to me and learn how career exploration works. The basic tools of career exploration are a compass that you can use to navigate the working world. Throughout your life and journey, you will get lost (it's nearly a guarantee!) and you will wander, but if you know how, you can always re-orient yourself and figure out the right direction to set off in once more. 

Want to get started? Let's talk careers.